Monday, November 28, 2011

Changing Education Paradigms

In his animated TED talk, Sir Ken Robinson, a catalyst for change in the education system, illustrates both the current paradigm of standardized tests and a cookie-cutter approach to learning, as well as his envisioned shift in paradigm. He imagines a system in which students are encouraged to test possibilities, make mistakes (and learn from them), and follow passions.
The presentation succeeds in conveying his message, and it does so in a visual manner which allows for continual connections to past information. It's quite incredible to view the image as the video ends, in which it is clear what was discussed. It induces immediate nostalgia, and makes connections to information seamlessly. 
The company responsible for the animation and visuals is Cognitive Media from the UK. They've worked extensively with the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA for short), creating similar videos on equally interesting and important topics.

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